24 FOR 24

Day 24

Bravery lives forever.

Today marks one year of a war that Russian military and political leaders believed they would win in days.

But bravery fights forever, strengthened by every bomb, every blackout, every bullet. Emboldened by the devastating but desperate and disjointed attempts of a flailing enemy to crush something that can’t be held. Galvanized by the stories of perseverance and determination that pull themselves out of the rubble. And the stories that don’t. 

That bravery is contagious. It indiscriminately infects everyone it touches with an incurable need to defend the sovereignty of humanity wherever it is under attack with weapons no army can wield and no general can command.  

And now, that bravery must be unifying. It demands that we recognize that this is not someone else’s war, and as the world begins to write the next chapter of these stories, bravery asks each of us three questions. 

Will you stand with Ukraine? 

Will you fight for the future of freedom?

Will you campaign for humanity?

Join us, and your bravery, too, can live forever.