24 FOR 24

Day 23

Слава українцям. Героям слава!

Glory to Ukrainians. Glory to the heroes. 

It’s a slight deviation from the rallying cry that has reverberated across the world that points squarely to the individual Ukrainians who have been defending their freedom every day for the past year.

The millions of stories these heroes have to tell are a mosaic, a single pixel of the picture that creates the bold blue and gold colors that now are synonymous with “bravery” around the globe.

These heroes are mothers and children sewing tens of thousands of balaclavas for Ukrainian defenders.

They are soldiers, losing their limbs and lives to save children today, and preserve their freedom for the future.

They are doctors, art teachers, journalists, chefs, and singers doing their jobs when it would be easier to run, hide or quit. 

Today’s #24for24, simply, is a resounding digital “Слава українцям.” Your stories will continue to be told.